TechIN is proud to introduce to the Australian Market Pearl PIR Pre-Insulated Duct Panel

Committed to the Australian HVAC&R Industry, TechIN is expanding its range of solutions by the introduction of Pearl Industries LLC (United Arab Emirates) technology in an exclusive partnership for the Australian region.
Both technical departments (Pearl and TechIN) have been working in full cooperation to meet the highest Australian Standards.
Compliant to AS/NZS 4254.2 Clause 2.1.2 Rigid Ductwork
Compliant to AS 4254.2-2012, Clause 2.1.2 (b) | Certified UL 181 burning test
Today both entities are at the industry disposal to support their projects. Therefore, if you are a duct fabricator, cushion box manufacturer/distributor, or a contractor/builder looking for a cost-effective certified PIR panel, please do not hesitate to contact our team at
You can get a better inside into Pearl Industries LLC solutions by visiting Pearl